Ain’t No Party Like a Tilghman Party!
September 21, 2021
Ever since 1913, the Tilghman tradition of pride and excellence has never stopped. The tradition of pride and family is a huge part of the culture of the student body and helps bring the whole student body together. From pep rallies to the marching band, a sense of family is always felt among the student body. Experiencing a Tilghman Mayfield football game or a Tilghman McCracken basketball game is one of the best high school experiences a student can have. Panting up and tailgating at the any Tilghman home or away game automatically gives you sense of pride and school spirit.
Whenever I experienced my first football game as a freshman, I felt an immediate sense of pride and school spirit. As a junior now and being a part of the many basketball, soccer, and football student sections, I’ve met numerous new friends in all grades and created a strong feeling of school spirit.
Senior Amya Kendrick said, “As a freshman I felt overwhelmed by the seniors excitement and school spirit but now as student section leader I understand the hype and excitement everyone felt. As a senior now I recommend all freshman join the student section. It will make your school spirit grow and make your future high school years ten times better.”
So, come join our student sections for any sport and support our student athletes! We appreciate each and every student and will welcome any new students to join. There is no other party like a Tilghman student section party.