What is Thanksgiving Really all About?
November 9, 2021
Thanksgiving is of course that time of year when we all get together with our families and friends and eat monstrous meals. The food and football make this holiday truly one of the best! However, the holiday is about much more than stuffing our faces and fighting over a flat-screen at 12 a.m! Thanksgiving to me is a time to take a moment and just be grateful for what we all have, no matter what value. We as Americans, sometimes lose sight of just how lucky we are as a nation. We have so much to be thankful for and we tend to take it for granted.
This Thanksgiving, take a moment to soak in all you have. Let your loved ones know how much you appreciate them, and most importantly how much you love them. We all have so much in common that we may even be thankful for some of the exact same things. Take time to reach out to friends, teachers, and anyone who has helped you get to where you are today and let them know that they’re appreciated.
I hope you all eat well this year but remember the true meaning of the holiday. Have a great holiday season this year, and most importantly stay safe!