One-Chip Challenge


Jane Taylor

A recent trend that mainly gained its popularity from TikTok, is called the one chip challenge. To complete the challenge, you simply go buy this singular chip from any convenience store in your area. Its packaging is a box decorated with a skull on it, and inside is the one chip with foil around it. The Paqui brand created the idea, and their marketing was spectacular.

With Tiktok on the rise, they sponsored many popular creators to do the challenge and get others interested. Soon enough, the idea became what it is today. This real challenge to this chip, though, is eating it. The chip is extremely spicy, as it is Carolina Reaper flavored.

The reactions to the people who eat this chip are usually pretty funny because of the insane spice level. The reactions seem to be overly dramatic, but either they aren’t faking it, or they are doing this for shock value for Tiktok views.

Whatever the reason, this challenge is very fun, and I highly recommend trying it. It is most fun with your friends or family so that everyone can be apart of the silliness. Good luck and drink plenty of milk!