National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

Maddie VanderBoegh

March is dedicated to many things, but one of the most important being National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. This class of disabilities can refer to impairments in learning and behavior, such as autism, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and impairments in physical or intellectual functioning such as cerebral palsy, spina bifida and Down Syndrome. The campaign seeks to raise awareness about people with developmental disabilities in all facets of community life. It also creates awareness of the difficulties that people with disabilities still face in fitting into the communities in which they live. 

Paducah Tilghman High School is known for everything from musicals to sports to academics. What most people don’t know about is the amazing Special Education program that is offered at Paducah Tilghman. The majority of students in this school know and love the students enrolled in this program. The teachers in charge of this program are Kayla Griggs and Erin Morehead. 

Both teachers listed above were asked the same question regarding Special Education. “How has working in Special Education impacted/changed your life?” Their responses are as follows: 

“Working as a special educator has shown me that the abilities that a person has is far superior to any disability they may have,” says Kayla Griggs. 

Working as a special educator has shown me what’s important in life. My student’s diverse abilities always exceed my expectations and I love being with them each day,” says Erin Morehead.

These two women have done more than enough for this program and never fail to make their students the happiest they possibly can.