Many people are stuck on a fixed mindset. A fixed mindset can mean many things, like, being born a certain way or being born to live your life averagely. However, a fixed mindset cannot beat a Growth Mindset. In order to fix the way you think. You must strive to do things differently. Be irregular, be the one that sticks out amongst a crowd, be the one that idolizes self-improvement.
For me, Harris Ali, I had been struggling to make a change in my mind. I was sitting at 300lbs, depressed, anxious, tired of waiting for a change. I sat in my bed 24 hours straight playing video games thinking that all of this wasn’t going to affect me. I did not know much about how unhealthy I was at that time. It hit me quickly though. I woke up one morning and I couldn’t feel my leg, my body was tensing up. I went to my parents’ room where I laid in bed with my whole family watching over me. I thought I was going to die. I couldn’t breathe properly and couldn’t move my body at all. My eyes were slowly drooping. I was trying to keep them open. I bellowed “I’m going to die!” The ambulance came rushing into the room and put me on a ventilator. I was quickly rushed to the hospital. About a week later I woke up, I was in a coma. I couldn’t see properly, read properly, write, walk, etc. The doctor came rushing in the ICU. “He’s awake!” “HES AWAKE!” Everyone looked at me like I came back to life. A day earlier, I had a seizure in my sleep, they thought it was the end for me. The doctors told me I had a stroke. After a few weeks, I was finally gaining conscious of how to do the basics of life again! After a full two months, I recovered fully.
From that day forward, I told myself I wasn’t going to hit rock bottom ever again. I lost 100lbs. I did it all with small steps and steps that could change your life. I started off with a caloric deficit. I went from eating a lot to eating my maintenance level calories for my body weight. After about a month, I kept lowering and lowering and lowering until I lost 100lbs. On this journey, I had an eating disorder. You should always try your best to have a healthy relationship with food. Long term, that relationship will benefit your journey. Its important to idolize mental health too. Always strive to be greater than who you were yesterday. It’s also important to help other people that want to go to war with themselves too. I’ve helped many people achieve certain goals and you can too. Instead of sitting around waiting for the change, go make the change!