The cold can be a painful, uncomfortable, damaging place to be in especially when spending time in it for longer than 5 minutes. That’s at least, until one starts to hear funny noises and blinding lights which would lead to running for one’s life.
Throughout the years of running in circles, walking to school with icy roads at times, and jump roping while it’s snowing, I have never felt more alive than running on the road in the countryside at night where I can barely see the lines on the road and can smell the stench of roadkill as I try not to trip over it with my freezing hands.
At first, the cold can be a little bit annoying when in the first few minutes of running, but it ultimately subsides when the sweat comes in due to the body heating itself up from exercising. It’s like the cold was never even there when I start to get into the groove but it comes back when I need to cool back down.
The cold is the least of my worries when I need to go number 1. My bladder feels like it’s going to explode if I can’t make it back to the bathroom in time, but that pain goes away too.
I don’t realize it but, after the run, my feet are bruised from the constant striking on the pavement. Im pretty sure I need new shoes though. Not the richest nor the wisest, but I sure am the highest, when I’m at the top of the big blue bridge that ain’t even older than my little brother.
While the road is meant for cars, I still can run on the side of it especially when there’s less traffic to prevent any more cars getting mad at me.
It feels like I’m free from the sad cruel world where I mostly sit all the time, but then, the sad cruel world comes back to tell me “you can’t do that” and I’m left with pent up anger that can’t be let out until I have time to work out again.