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Computer mightier than the Pen?

Computer or pen, which one would you choose?
Computer mightier than the Pen?

With each student having access to a computer why is it that a majority of teachers still choose to use paper rather than electronic work? Electronic work has grown exponentially since the Covid Pandemic, but students are still having problems doing work online verses on paper. Within the past few years, the need for electronics have only increased with the growth of technology. With not even 10 years ago the idea of every student having a computer was unheard of.
Many teachers have had to adapt and change their ways of teaching to meet these new changes in technology. But many people don’t like this sudden switch to technological work, they find it easier to do their work on paper rather than doing it online. Here is what Mrs. Broyles had to say about this, “I am nearly 100% paper assignments again, not because I want it, but because the students want it. They don’t want to do work on the computers. They want to do their work on paper. Any online assignment I make only about 10% of the students complete it.” It seems that students don’t have a will to complete virtual work, seeing that virtual work is still relatively new compared to the history of school it has yet to take a firm grip in student’s minds. Many students have a hard time understanding online assignments, without a person speaking directly to them many students are unable to grasp what the question is asking. It can be very difficult for many students to understand a complicated math problem or a lengthy essay without the help of a trusted teacher to walk them through it.

Since the Covid pandemic students have had to adapt to learning virtually because that all people could do. It didn’t just affect the students either, many students here at Tilghman have a computer but many other schools are not as lucky. Many parents of students had to buy a computer for their kids to access their work or get internet for their house to be able to allow the students to access the online work. If a student were to do work at home, there isn’t always a parent there to help either. Many parents have to work and don’t have the time to help their children through the schoolwork.
So, does that mean that students prefer pen and paper rather than electronic work? I asked Senior Levi Brown what his thoughts on it was, here is what he had to say. ” When it comes to turning in work or talking to a teacher online is easier, but for doing your work paper is 100% better.” As a senior who has been in this school for 4 years, he knows just how the introduction of electronic work has changed schooling. Electronics have their good and bad factors for school. But does the good outweigh the bad only time will tell. But what we do know, is that schooling has changed since the introduction of electronic learning.

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